Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf

Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf is a Professor of Anthropology and author of Transforming Displaced Women in Sudan: Politics and the Body in a Squatter Settlement (U. of Chicago Press 2009); Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives (Ed.) (University of Pennsylvania Press 2006), and Wanderings, (Cornell University Press 2002).

Saida Barkat Daoud

Saida Barkat Daoud is a sociologist in Paris (Interdisciplinary Institute for Contemporary Anthropology). She is conducting sociological research on FGM surgical device in France.

Cynthia Kraus

Dr. Cynthia Kraus is a philosopher and a Senior Lecturer in gender studies & the social studies of science, technology and medicine at the University of Lausanne. She works on medical sexology (PI, SNF project, 2015-2018) and on psycho-hormonal sexology (or “genderology”)

Bettina Shell-Duncan

Throughout my career I have been conducting mixed method biocultural research on maternal and child health in sub-Saharan Africa. My earlier research focus was on nutrition, immunity and morbidity among nomadic children in Kenya, the health effects of settlement of former nomads.  

Camille Lefevbre

Camille Lefevbre is a historian and researcher at the CNRS-HDR. Specialist in the history of colonization and decolonization in West Africa, the history of knowledge and scholarly networks in Sahelian Africa, she is in charge of the ERC LANGARCHIV project

Felwine Sarr

Felwine Sarr is a Senegalese academic and writer. He is Anne-Marie Bryan Distinguished Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Duke University. His academic work focuses on epistemology, economic policies and the history of religious ideas.  

Fatima El-Tayeb

Fatima El-Tayeb is professor of Literature and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, San Diego. Her work deconstructs structural racism in “colorblind” Europe and centers strategies of resistance among racialized communities, especially those that politicize culture through an intersectional, queer practice.

Don Kullick

Kullick is Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology at Uppsala University in Sweden, where he directs the research program Engaging Vulnerability. His research and writing cover a variety of topics and disciplines, including sociolinguistics, gender and sexuality studies, disability studies and queer theory.